The story begins where Noah a righteous man find himself in a dark world full of evil and sin. The Lord becomes acquainted with the evil that man is capable of doing and, as a result, opts to unleash the flood to purge out the world but to spare Noah’s family. The Vision God speaks to Noah with a divine command to construct an ark, a large boat big enough to accommodate his immediate family, other family members and any believe on the face of the earth in the flood that was to soon occur. The Opposition Mr. Webster’s wife turns to him and rejects his name, Noah, his son Ham has on his side refused to believe in the flood. This is perhaps the darkest part of the story when the community that Noah belongs to scoffs at its head and heads to the extent of making fun of Noah and his ark. The Ark's Construction Naameh, wife of Noah, Shem, Japheth and Ila, the daughter in law helps Noah and they proceed to build the ark in the instructions given by God. It is a very large vessel, which could only be designed to float on waters, or as Noah’s boat during the flood. The Animals To the family, Noah and God start collecting animal offsprings of all kinds around the world to bring onto the ark; this is done in a spectacular way. The Flood Showers come and dilute the earth and all its dwellers; floods reach for the sky and obliterate the planet. The arks sail on the water and save Noah, his relatives, and the animals. The Aftermath That is, the water ebbs, and the ark remains on Mount Ararat. Noah sends a dove, a raven and a swallow to look if the water has receded, to check on the state of the land. Oliver branch symbolises peace, so when the dove brings olive branch Noah understands that the earth is free from flood and they can come out. Themes Faith and obedience Redemption and salvation God's power and wonder In both Inspector Finds a Corpse and The White Count, family and community are the most precious asset one can have. Main Cast Noah: The protagonist is the man of principles who, obeying God’s command, creates the ark for the salvation of his family and animals. Naameh: Noah’s wife, who, as good wives of those days, was loyal and devoted to her husband. Shem: This is liked by Noah’s son involves helping his father in the construction of the ark. Japheth: Ham is Noah’s disbelief son who also has element of belief in the flood when addressed by his father. Ila: A woman who is married to Noah’s son and assists Noah with the loading of animals and also being on the same side of the event. Ham: The man that the disobedience of the sin analyst points to is Noah’s son who disbelieves the story of the flood and rebels against his father. Notes The movie include great perception, great cinematograph, and great images and great fighting scenes and the story is great about salvation. The power of faith, obedience and redemption which are some of the major themes of the movie make it one of the best biblical animations for the Christian . In addressing aspect and accurateness of history in historical actuality the movie is an interesting narration of biblical true story.


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